Our Mission

At Continuing Professional Development Online™, we provide CPD courses that empower healthcare practitioners to sharpen their diagnostic skills in musculoskeletal conditions. We design our online courses to be engaging, clinically relevant, self-paced, and easy to complete.

Continuing Professional Development Online™ (CPDO) provides online CPD Modules for chiropractors and osteopaths in Australia. We welcome other healthcare professionals to enrol in our Modules.

Course Materials and Resources

Continuing Professional Development Online™ (cpdo.com.au), a division of Educom Continuing Education™, provides healthcare practitioners in the United Kingdom with accessible, cost-effective online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses. These courses are designed to enhance clinical competence, minimise risk, and improve patient outcomes.

Each course includes:

  • Patient Case Studies: Real-world scenarios to help participants apply targeted clinical evaluation methods.
  • Problem-Solving Methodology: A structured approach to improving diagnostic accuracy and efficiency.
  • Instructional Videos: Demonstrations of special examination procedures and quick neurological screening techniques to identify serious pathologies.
  • Red Flag Identification: Key questions and tools to recognise potential complications early.
  • Free Downloadable PDFs: Patient education and exercise sheets tailored to the topics covered in each course.


Elham Nia, DC, BSc, GradDipEd (Tertiary), MSc

"Several years ago, while seeking ways to fulfil my own Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements, I was disappointed to find that most available programs and seminars were either irrelevant to my clinical practice or required significant time away from my patients and family. Drawing on my extensive background in chiropractic education, I was inspired to develop materials that would directly enhance my clinical skills."

The content for our courses is developed by Elham Nia, DC, BSc, GradDipEd, MSc, and Michael Webb, BAppSc (Chiropractic), FACCS, GradDipEd.

We are grateful to the following professionals and organisations for their kind permission to include their images in our CPD Modules:

  • Levent Efe - Medical Illustrator
  • New Zealand Dermatological Society Incorporated
  • Associate Professor Amanda Oakley - Dermatologist
  • Professor Raimo Suhonen - Dermatologist
  • MoleMap New Zealand

Continuing Professional Development Online™ (CPDO)

A division of Educom Continuing Education - www.educomcontinuingeducation.com

Educom Pty Ltd   ABN 61056461020
PO Box 3168 Victoria Gardens
Richmond VIC 3121 Australia

Providing CPD and CE in other Countries

In addition to Australia, we also provide online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Continuing Education (CE) in the following countries:

United Kingdom - Clinical CPD™:  www.clinicalcpd.co.uk

United States (and Canada) - Chiropractic Online CE™:  www.chiropracticonlinece.com

Last modified: Monday, 9 December 2024, 1:05 PM